During a recent discussion with Kiwa Lang, one of the co-founders of Plantaform, we learned more about the Rejuvenate indoor gardening system and the origins and inspiration that brought the team to today.
As Kiwa tells the story, it was spring 2019 and he was living in Australia while a close friend, Albert Aguilar, from high school was living in Canada. Not knowing how the world would change in the coming months, they joined forces to try to bring a product to market that would address concerns around sustainable living and reliable sources of food for consumers.

Kiwa has a background in industrial design, while Albert had a business background and had started a few companies in the past. Combined they worked across the miles and time zones to bring the Plantaform to reality, ultimately moving their efforts to the capital region in Canada.
Plantaform's team has received support from the National Research Council (NRC) of Canada, and continues to work with local authorities on some inspirational larger scale projects, which Kiwa talks about towards the end of our discussion.

But where did the idea for the fogponics powered Rejuvenate indoor gardening system, affectionally described as a living piece of furniture, come from? NASA of course... Fogponics was developed by NASA with the thought that it would allow astronauts grow vegetation. Fogponics requires less water than traditional hydroponics, and does not require soil, and other issues associated with growing vegetation. However, due to changes in gravity in outer space, fogponics was ultimately abandoned by NASA. Thankfully, NASA detailed the technology in scientific publications, and the Plantaform team picked up where they left off, and ultimately developed the Rejuvenate indoor gardening system.
The Rejuvenate is an app controlled indoor gardening system which utilized fogponics to allow people and families to grow their own vegetation all year round, without the complexity of other indoor gardening systems, or the mess of pots and soil. It is perfect for those that perhaps don't have the outdoor space to grow their own vegetation they would like, those that don't have the green thumb to grow in the traditional manner, and for those times of years when it is not possible to grow outside - as is common in our Canadian climate. And for those that just enjoy new technology that works really well - it is also perfect. We mention families earlier, it has been a source of discussion within our own family, helping our 4 and 6 year old children to learn and understand where our vegetation comes from. Initially they thought we were growing aliens...

Check out this innovative product that takes the green thumb out of enjoying fresh vegetation all year round. With pod packs that include various types of basil, parsley, cilantro, oregano, edible flowers, romaine lettuce, various other leafy greens, etc. The options are varied. In the coming months the variety will continue to expand, and will include the ability to use your own seeds as well.
At Wow-Finds Worldwide we are dedicated to working with manufacturers like Plantaform that have developed products that are Good for YOU, Good for the PLANET, and are Made in CANADA.